Enhancing Communication and Accountability in Oyo State Ministries: A note to Michael Ogunsina

Many agencies and ministries in Oyo State employ young aides to support political appointees, yet it remains difficult to reach these bodies via official emails. This gap forces individuals to resort to the unsustainable practice of delivering documents in person.

It is perplexing to hear frequent excuses about the government’s inability to adequately empower some appointees. However, setting up an official email address is a basic administrative task that does not require high-level intervention. It is unreasonable to expect His Excellency to address such fundamental needs.

Every government agency should establish a comprehensive feedback mechanism beyond the existing Oyo State Government Feedback system. I have observed numerous local government chairmen appointing aides to empower friends and supporters, yet these aides often fail to contribute meaningfully. Instead, they focus on disseminating trivial news, lacking any substantial engagement.

Effective communication tools such as newsletters, webinars, apps, and forums like Nairaland should be utilized. When implementing these tools, ensure they are transferable and not dependent on individual officeholders. For example, some official Instagram accounts ceased functioning once the officeholders left, demonstrating a lack of continuity. As young professionals, we must strive to make lasting, intentional impacts regardless of our positions.

It is essential to transcend the practice of merely sharing broadcast messages and copied posts across WhatsApp. Genuine relevance comes from making significant contributions that showcase intelligence and value to the realization of policies and projects. Instead of waiting to attack dissenting voices, demonstrate your capabilities through constructive actions.

Ogunsina Oluwaseun Michael, I am disappointed by the current performances of some youths of the party working as aides in some departments and agencies because of their lack and of implementing an effective publicity and communication channels. That of Ministry of Agriculture’s significant work is concerning to mention at least, you can barely reach quite a number of these offices via any official channel. The public needs to be aware of the ministry’s activities and achievements but also an Avenue for which they can equally be officially reached.

I require the official email addresses for the Ministries of Youth and Sports, Agriculture, Environment, Works, and Lands and Housing by the close of business tomorrow.

Idris Animasaun

Architect and Social Change Advocate

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