
Unwanted Preaching and Public Etiquette: A Morning Bus Experience

This morning, someone was preaching inside the bus, and with every other sentence, tiny droplets of saliva found their way onto my friend, who was unfortunately seated directly across from him. It got so uncomfortable that my friend had to borrow my bag just to shield his legs from the unintended “blessings.” Despite clearly noticing […]

Unwanted Preaching and Public Etiquette: A Morning Bus Experience Read More »

Dear Young Folks Series 9 (Redefining Milestones: Embracing Your Unique Journey in Life and Marriage.)

Before my wedding, my mother advised me to achieve certain milestones before thinking about marriage. She believed the pressures of marriage could disrupt one’s dreams, a perspective shaped by her experiences and, perhaps, rightly so. However, I hold the belief that everything happens according to Allah’s will and timing.   “Verily, with hardship comes ease.”

Dear Young Folks Series 9 (Redefining Milestones: Embracing Your Unique Journey in Life and Marriage.) Read More »